A Student No Longer!

4 Years. 4 Internships. About 8 or 9 Public Mental Breakdowns, and then you’re done! Hofstra was an emotional, turbulent, but in the end, an exciting and worthwhile journey.

I graduated in May 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Film and Video/Television, focusing on Screenwriting in my Senior Thesis. While there, I was an Intern/PA at the JCC Film Festival, a web series called #WarGames, Marvel Entertainment’s NY Office, and HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, which became my first post-grad position.

While at school, I worked part-time at the Hofstra Camera Equipment Rental Room, and on the multiple TV shows put on by the Hofstra Entertainment Access Television (HEAT) network.

And on top of that, I strived to make sure I had the “college experience”. Yes, I worked hard at school and my jobs and knew my career was something that I couldn’t push to the side, but your early 20s are a very informative time, and I wasn’t going to spend it only working. So yeah, parties, concerts, festivals, trips, sketchy situations, roommate problems, I had it all. And I’m thankful that I did, because my Hofstra years allowed me to see a clearer future for myself, and where I wanted to go. Honestly, I planned to move to LA by sophomore year, but the next two years showed me how to make that plan a reality.

The lead up didn’t feel real. We had planned one final party at my house. I had made it a goal (which I think I successfully accomplished) to throw that best parties in the Comm Building, so of course we’re having a grad party. Before Covid times, 100 people in your house was exciting! It was a great goodbye to a lot of friends.

The Graduation Day didn’t feel real. Long speeches, multiple photos, getting your gown caught in the elevator (maybe that’s just me) but there was no emotional break for me. I wasn’t sure if I should be expecting one.

I was happy to see everyone though.

The three months after didn’t feel real. Working different production jobs in NYC, chilling at home most days, prepping for my LA move in September. My world had suddenly become very small, but I kept chugging along. I knew where I was going, had a plan, now all we had to do was wait. I wasn’t even that nervous, since through Hofstra, I had actually been to LA prior.

It did finally real feel the day I was flying out. Maybe it was because I was going on this new adventure, in a new state, over 2,000 miles away from all my friends and family. Suddenly all those emotions I was waiting for had come back with a vengeance. But it was too late, that experience was already behind me. And I was already starting a brand new one.


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


Marvel Entertainment